This calendar shows pricings and availability, A blank space does not always mean it is free, since we may have an unconfirmed booking.
Pricing is based on renting the whole site on a per night basis. The prices vary by season. Use the calendar above to check the price of your stay, discounts can be applied on the next page.
All VAT exempt groups, eg schools, youth groups can receive a 20% discount (VAT) on the next page of the booking process.
Woodcraft Folk groups WITH CHILDREN can receive a 33% discount on the next page of the booking process.
Here is a summary of Conditions/Rules for the use of Height Gate, you can download the full Booking Conditions and Rules below.
Height Gate Rules
Height Gate should never be used for the purpose of holding a party that would involve significant numbers of people arriving at random times, loud music or excess cleaning.
Maximum group size is 32, it might be possible to accommodate a few extra people if camping. The person booking and/or leading the group is responsible for ensuring that the group size is known in advance and not exceeded.
Excessive noise and smoking are NOT permitted.
There is a surcharge and extra conditions for dogs.
There are 4 rooms with bunk beds accommodating 2,12,10,8. Additional camp beds are available for the mezzanine in the barn. Bedding is not provided,
Parking is available for 8 small cars, The access track is steep with limited passing places.
Space heating is mainly by two biomass wood pellet stoves; the accommodation charge includes 6 hours (20kg) of use per day for a single stove (9 hours November to March inclusive). Additional pellets can be purchased in advance and if available onsite.
Booking amendments and cancellations
Woodcraft Folk seeks to deliver excellent customer service and will always try to respond positively to booking amendments.
Cancellation charge payable
28 days or more - Any booking deposits already paid or due
27 - 14 days - 50% of the total cost for your booking
13 - 0 days - 100% of the total cost for your booking
Where a cancellation is made by Woodcraft Folk for any reason including the imposition of Government restrictions, then groups will be offered the opportunity to re-book on alternative dates. If the alternative dates are not acceptable then a full refund of ALL payments will be made.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Useful documents
You will receive the first three of these when you book, and the fourth is available in the building, but you may find it useful to look at them here: